Saturday, June 30, 2018

Review – ‘Hard to Forget’ by Rebecca Janet


I lost her five years ago, along with everything else. One second, I was driving my motorcycle and the next, I couldn’t remember my past. 
And then, as chance would have it, I saw her again. 
I didn’t know who she was, but I could feel it in my heart that she meant something to me. 
So, of course, I had to have her—she was the key to the past—the answer to so many questions. 
Not to mention, she was sexy as hell. 
But, Becky was playing hard to get. 
And I play for keeps. 

He broke my heart. 
From the start, I should have known he was too good to be true. I was just an average, plain Jane kind of girl, and he was the high school heartthrob. Of course, it would never work. 
And, it didn’t.
So, I learned to forget about him. 
But, of course, life’s a bitch and brought him right back. 
Will I be able to forget the past? Or will the future hold more heartbreak and deceit? 
I want to pray for forgiveness but I’ve long started to doubt that word.


Becky Castillo works in a crummy bar and knows she’ll probably be out of a job soon. As she’s fending off one of her usual perverted customers, a man she never expected to see again comes to her defense.
Charles Green doesn’t remember the sexy bartender, but feels an undeniable attraction to her. For the past five years, he’s lived with total amnesia, but his lack of a past and an identity didn’t stop him from creating a successful multi-million dollar company. Becky recognizes him, however, and hates him. He soon realizes she’s someone from his forgotten past, and he becomes obsessed with her.
Becky and Charlie are interesting characters. She’s so hurt and angry over the past that she can’t let it go, but she’s also unwillingly drawn to her ex-boyfriend. Even though Charlie is desperate to remember his past, he never really pushed the issue. I don’t understand why Charlie never asked Becky about his parents and family, about his childhood, and about the person he was before he lost his memory. I’m also confused as to why he never filed a background check on Becky since she wasn’t forthcoming with information. All he seemed to care about was figuring out why Becky hated him and also wanting to make amends for that.
I liked this story, but it could use a light edit. There are unanswered questions and loose ends, but it does have a satisfying HEA. It’s told in first POV, both Charles and Becky, and I followed along for the most part.
3 Stars

Disclaimer – I volunteered to read and review this book. I received an ebook copy through the author’s newsletter. I am not paid or compensated in any way, shape, or form for this review. I will not change or alter this review for any reason unless at my discretion.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Review – ‘No Regrets’ by Vivian Ward


Her brother told me to stay away from her. Her brother can go f**k himself!
I’m a firefighter. When it comes to doing my job, I’m the best around.
Am I cocky? You’re damn right.
Wild? I was. I’ve tried to clean up my act. Was doing a pretty damn good job of it too until I ran into Stephanie Frost after all these years. The heat from fires don’t compare to what I feel when she’s near me.
Her brother’s a troublemaker who’s been in and out of prison. He’s even told me that he’ll kill me if I don’t stay away from his sister. He’d be pissed if he knew she’s been squirming underneath me every single night.
Now that I’ve got a second chance, I’m not giving her up this time.


Stephanie Frost and her three-year-son Andrew are stuck in their burning apartment, but a fireman rescues them. Though she’s more concerned for her son than anything, she’s shock to see Matt, her ex-boyfriend and now rescuer, again.
Matt Porter hasn’t seen Stephanie in eight years. After she broke up with him, he became a homeless alcoholic and hit rock bottom, but finally dragged himself back to his feet. Now he’s sober and works as a fireman. He loves his job, but his rocky relationship with Stephanie puts everything he’s worked so hard for in jeopardy.
I liked Matt for the most part. He’s protective, considerate, and completely adores Stephanie and her son.
I couldn’t connect with Stephanie, and I definitely didn’t like her family. Years earlier, her brother Lance robbed a store, shot a person, and left that person paralyzed. Stephanie and her controlling family never seemed to care that her brother did anything wrong or felt bad for the person Lance shot. Instead, they accused Matt of ratting out Lance to his policeman father (which Matt didn’t do), and Stephanie dumped him for it. In doing so, Matt’s life went completely downhill and nearly ended at the bottom of a bottle.
Matt and Stephanie had a lot of chemistry, but Stephanie was trapped under her brother’s and her abusive ex-lover’s thumb. She wanted to please her family and keep the peace more than she cared about her and Matt’s happiness, and I just couldn’t respect her.
The story is told in first person, duel H/h POV. It needs an edit to fix some spelling errors and inconsistencies. There are also a few unanswered questions, but nothing major that affected the overall plot.
3 Stars

Disclaimer – I volunteered to read and review this book. I received an ebook copy through the author’s newsletter. I am not paid or compensated in any way, shape, or form for this review. I will not change or alter this review for any reason unless at my discretion.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Release Tour - 'Batiste' by Victoria Danann

Cajun Devils, Book One
by Victoria Danann

Genre: MC Biker Romance

Ça va mal. Ça va pas bien.

New York Times bestselling author, Victoria Danann, begins a HOT new MC romance series spinning off SSMC. You're gonna love it. For true! 

Take a journey into the exotic culture of bayou country in Louisiana's Lafayette and Acadia parishes. Cajun beauty, Angelique Bellefeuille, has had enough of bikers and their bullshit. Being put in danger because of her father's motorcycle club makes that conclusion rock hard solid.

When she's sent to an allied club for protection from a rival club, she's reunited with her childhood friend, Just Batiste. Only he's not the cute, fun, adventurous kid she remembers. He's large, in charge, and menacing.

The last thing Batiste needs is a distraction from the new joint venture with the SSMC, but Fate has her own sense of timing and her own sense of humor as well. Angel is partly his memory of her as a little girl and partly grown woman walking around in the mind-numbing form of a curvy, blue-eyed mischief maker.

Just when he thinks he can't get more frustrated with the little troublemaker, she's kidnapped by the very people he's supposed to be protecting her from. What will he do to get her back? Anything. Distraction or not, he vows she'll be returned unharmed or he'll personally initiate Armageddon.

When Angie went back to her room Batiste hadn’t returned from whatever biker intrigue was occupying his time. She took a couple of bottled waters so she wouldn’t have to go hunting in the night. 

She supposed she was fortunate to have a room with an adjoining three quarter bath. She took a shower and towel dried her hair, but left it damp because she’d sleep cooler that way. Around eleven she turned off the lights, crawled on top of the cotton sheets and lay still listening to the night sounds of the swamp. After a few minutes a light rain added its voice and she felt herself drifting off to the lullaby of crickets, cicadas, and frogs. 

She was dosing when she heard the door open. The first thing her eyes focused on was the bedside clock. It was just after midnight. As she was sitting up to see who it could be entering her room uninvited , she heard… nails on the floor?

“No worry, cher. It’s me. And dogs,” Batiste said in a hushed tone.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Takin’ care of you.”

Since she’d been half asleep, her eyes were adjusted to the low light and she could see that he was spreading a sleeping bag on the floor. 

“You’re not sleeping on a wood floor.”

“Looks like I am.”

“You’re taking this protection thing kind of seriously.”

She heard the rustle of nylon as he lay down on top of the sleeping bag, but he didn’t answer. There was no more to say about that. 

Nothing was more serious than keeping Rou’s girl safe. He had two dogs trained by the SSMC, worth a fortune, and a nine millimeter pistol loaded and within easy reach. That, and the fact that he wasn’t likely to sleep too soundly on the hard floor, meant things were secure to the extent of his control. 

As he settled in, minimizing the discomfort to the extent possible, and got still his awareness of her nearness grew like a thing that had sentience. It was frustrating knowing she was close enough to reach out and touch. It was also the best feeling in the world, knowing she was close enough to reach out and touch. If he was sappy, he might have said being with Angelique felt ‘meant to be’. But he wasn’t sappy. Not at all. 

At least that’s what he told himself as he robotically stroked Belle’s fur and stared toward the ceiling. The sound of the rain was comforting. Partly because that is one of rain’s gifts and partly because villains rarely get up to mischief in the rain. Maybe, he mused, they’re like that old wicked witch in Oz and don’t like getting wet.

Victoria Danann is the New York Times bestselling author of twenty romances. For the past four years in a row, Victoria's Knights of Black Swan series have won prestigious Reviewers' Choice Awards for both BEST PARANORMAL ROMANCE SERIES and PARANORMAL ROMANCE NOVEL OF THE YEAR. This past year three of her series and three of her novels were nominated. Two of her series took the top two places and two of her books took first and second place in the PNR Novel of the Year category.

In addition to vampire hunting knights, Victoria writes other paranormal romance, scifi, fantasy, and contemporary romance.

Victoria co-hosts the popular ROMANCE BETWEEN THE PAGES podcast which can be found on itunes or at →

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Release Tour - 'Valley Girl Wars' by Cherime MacFarlane #Giveaway

Southwest of Homer, Book 2
by Cherime MacFarlane

Genre: Contemporary Romance

The poacher is an ever-present threat to Ally as captain of Tore Olson's boat, Valley Girl. She doesn't understand why he refuses to go to the Alaska State Troopers. She agreed to help him by taking over the captain's chair when Tore broke his leg. She didn't sign on to evade a poacher, scramble to catch enough fish to make the balloon payment and dodge the big Swede.

Fishing on Lower Cook Inlet southwest of Homer is stressful enough without the added tension of wondering how Rurik will react to her wanting to return as captain of the family fishing boat. Her younger brother is doing fine without her. Marriage has settled the man down and Ally fears it isn't fair to ask him to give up his new position as captain of the Arina. When she does turn the Valley Girl back to Tore, what is she going to do with herself?

She put his gear away after making sure the Velcro side seam was still intact. Eyes closed slightly, he watched her move around the cabin. Every move she made was done with a grace which enticed him. 

The first time he saw Alyona Ksana Petrov in the Old Salt Bar, he had to fight to keep his mouth shut so the saliva didn't mess up the front of his shirt. When the introductions got made, he almost shit a brick. How in the world could any woman who looked like a runway model be a fishing vessel captain?

By the time his first season out of Homer ended, he had to admit the woman knew her stuff. The Petrov family owned the Arina for a long time and Ally had handled the boat with ease. 

She quietly closed the door on her way out. Tore's eyes popped open, and he stared at the ceiling. Ally got nervous when he looked at her too long, but he liked watching her. All that fine blonde hair and those gray eyes that changed with her moods like the waters they sailed did things to his gut. 

He wanted her. Then again, outside of her brother and cousin, he didn't know a man in the fleet who hadn't wondered what it would be like with Ally. Maybe Fawke never thought about Ally; Ornery Maddox had the Cajun tied in knots. 

Tore conned her into sharing the bed for all of two nights. But he got too impatient. She didn't go for the accidentally-pulling-her-close-in-his-sleep action. Ally now slept on the back of the settee in sweats. A very immature tactic on his part cost him the pleasure of having the woman next to him. He wondered if she said anything to Rurik? 

In the beginning, he didn't respect the kid. Anyone with a nickname like the Russian Raider had to be full of shit. But when the kid cornered him that night in Seldovia in the basement of the Petrov family home and warned him to be good to his sister, Tore changed his mind. 

And to top that, he must stop cursing their cousin, Isshy. The Old Believer hadn't screwed with his gear. Tore put his concerns about Isshy away. If Isshy's worthless brother-in-law were at the helm, Tore wouldn't have doubted the drunk pirated fish or gear or both. 

The half pill slowly kicked in. Olson closed his eyes and thought about the woman at the helm that looked like an ice sculpture carved for Fur Rondy. He told his sister and dad that he hadn't found the right woman yet. He lied; the problem came when he tried to figure out how to hook her and pull her in. Not quite sure about the mechanics before breaking his leg, Tore decided it was a lucky break in one way. 

Homer Bait and Switch 

He's not a bad guy, but he did something that has his mother and sister upset. Then there are all the girls in town, they've nicknamed him the Russian Raider.

There's new girl in town, Lynn. Rurik feels the pull the moment he sees her. His reputation is against him and the fisherman knows it.

“I didn’t plan to take off with the money. Ally, my sister was driving our fishing boat to the boatyard to schedule a ton of work the old tub needed to continue making us money. She handed the check from the last offload of salmon to me. I was supposed to take it to the bank and deposit the money.

In all my twenty-six years, I hadn’t been anywhere out of Alaska. I stared at that check, eighty thousand plus a few hundred and didn’t want to let go of it.” 

After doing something stupid, Rurik has to fix things which won't be easy.

I came to Alaska kicking and screaming in 1976, and I never want to leave. I cut firewood on shares for money to get through the winter. I swore I would not live above the Alaska Range because it was too cold there and wound up in the Copper River Basin where it got just a cold as Fairbanks. 

My second husband, a Scot from Glasgow, was the love of my life. When I write Scots dialect, I experienced hearing it from my in-laws. Each time my husband got on the phone to Scotland after five seconds, I could hardly understand a word. I was my second husband's chief mechanic's helper and roadie.

I live in a cabin which is slowly being surrounded by the city and wish I were farther out. My cat and Husky-Collie mix dog are happy in our little slice of heaven called Alaska. In the silence of winter dreams of people and places provide a rich pool of ideas to explore. 

As a reporter for the Copper Valley Views, Cherime MacFarlane received a letter of commendation from the Copper River Native Association for fair and balanced reporting. 

Other Awards: Finalist in McGrath Book Awards 2017, Amazon Best Selling in Anthologies-twice and Hardest Working Author Award from Author Classified.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Arresting Mason by Amber Daulton - Sale Alert!

Arresting Mason is on SALE for just $3.82! If you love bad boy romantic suspense, check it out before the price jumps back up...

~~ Their chance encounter resulted in a steamy affair, but will his former gang and a parole officer tear them apart?

Google Play – 

#Amazon #SaleAlert #GooglePlay #RomanticSuspense #Romance #BadBoys

Review – ‘Talson’s Net’ by Marie Harte


Kidnapping Rowe Trainer, co-heir to Chartrell Shipping, might not have been the smartest thing Val Talson's ever done, but he wants answers, fast. He couldn't have expected the beautiful little bully to be half-human, nor could he have anticipated that she could turn the tables on him so easily. She's powerful, and he's learned to be wary.

His violent arousal in her presence makes little sense. Lust he appreciates, but the deeper draw to his rival baffles him. Soon he can't think of anything but Rowe. When he finds her again, he gets more than he bargained for-attraction not only to Rowe, but to her bodyguard as well. Then add the shock of her Selection-a female Otra's readiness to mate.

Val doesn't intend to give in easily. He'll handle rogue saboteurs, Rowe's larger-than-life bodyguard, and the idea that he's entered the Testing, the time in a male Otra's life when he's ready to bond to his destined mate. As for Rowe . . . Val's more than willing to give her what she deserves. And then some.


In the third novella in the Talson’s Temptation series, the year is 2110, and the humans of Earth had made contact with the Otra aliens years earlier. The Otra are now living and working on the planet, but there’s prejudice between the two groups.
After months of investigating the employees of the Chartrell Shipping Company, Valis ‘Or Fal kidnaps the owner’s niece and sets out to interrogate her. He doesn’t trust the half-human/half-Otra female, believing she’s part of the conspiracy to sabotage and destroy his family’s shipping business, but he’s attracted to her more than he imagined possible. Even though she’s his enemy, Val believes he’s found his mate, but he’s torn between claiming her as his own and finishing the investigation.
Rowe Trainer ‘Or Ryi knows there’s a traitor at her family’s company, and she’s determined find the culprit. She never expected Val to be her mate, or that they would need the help of her friend and bodyguard Quinn to sexually prepare her for the bonding.
Rowe is a strong, smart, but vulnerable woman who’s faced a lot of adversity in her life. Val is stubborn and protective, and willing to do anything to make her happy. They have great chemistry, and I loved the sex scenes with the H/h and Quinn, in particularly the ones with just Val and Quinn.
The story ends with a HEA, but there are a few unanswered questions. Still, I liked the story and the universe the author has created.
4 Stars

Disclaimer – I bought this book for my own enjoyment. I am not paid or compensated in any way, shape, or form for this honest review. I will not change or alter this review for any reason unless at my discretion.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Release Tour - 'As Right as Rain' by J.M. Maurer

by J.M. Maurer

Genre: NA Contemporary Romance

After finally landing her first job at a television station, meteorologist Makayla Reading is determined to make her mark on the world. With an ex she’d rather forget and no time for a new man in her life, what she needs is a true friend to help her deal with jittery nerves and her crabby boss who makes her life miserable.

Though a don’t-fall-for-the-cameraman rule should be easy to follow, sparks fly when she meets the handsome and charming Eli Barringer. As their relationship moves beyond friendship, Makayla realizes she must not only give in to her heart but also let Eli in on a secret she’s been keeping, a decision she knows is…as right as rain.

“Hey.” Eli ruffles the hat on my head like one would do to a child, and then lifts my chin with his gentle fingers, leveling my gaze with his. “You all right?”

I blink him into focus, seeing the crease of concern deepen between his eyes. Although I’m grateful for his question, he doesn’t need to know what’s on my mind. My emotions are all over the place, scattered like debris after a storm. Plus, I’m having a difficult time pulling my sight from his eyes and keeping my thoughts on my job.

What are you doing, Makayla?

Yes, he’s gorgeous. And off limits.

He’s sexy. And still forbidden.

I’m confident there has to be some sort of don’t-fall-for-the-coworker rule I should be following. But no such rule seems to be preventing me from reacting to him the way I am.

Not wanting to alert him to what’s making me so frazzled, I respond to his question with the first thing that pops into my head. “I’m just new. And nervous.”

It sounds plausible coming out, and it’s partially the truth, a fact I’m comfortable with, given I’ve just met Mr. Beautiful.

He moves his hand to my shoulder and squeezes just enough to hold me in place, which also keeps me from sliding in my seat as Sam steers us out of the garage and onto the street. “Okay, if that’s what you’re going with, I’ll buy it. For now.”

J.M. Maurer is the author of contemporary romance, including the Emerging From Darkness Series. She is also the author of Curveball Baby, a standalone, second-chance at love, sports romance. She loves to write about strong characters and their struggles in life.

When not writing, you can find her spending time with family and friends, exploring the outdoors, or recovering after attempting most any sport. She resides in Chicagoland with her husband and son.

Amazon ✯ Website ✯ Facebook ✯ Goodreads ✯ Twitter ✯ BookBub

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Release Tour - 'Sweet and Sassy Brides' #Giveaway

by Mimi Barbour, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Dani Haviland, Stephanie Queen, Stacy Eaton, Rachelle Ayala, Katy Walters, and Aileen Fish

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Do you sigh when you hear Mendelssohn’s wedding march? Does seeing a bride in shiny satin and lace bring tears to your eyes? Whether it’s a first marriage, an affair of the heart, or a second chance to get it right, our scintillating collection featuring NINE uplifting love stories is the perfect place to find that heart-warming wedding magic. Enjoy hours of Happy Ever After tales brought to you by NY Times and USA Today bestselling Magic Makers.

Together Again - Mimi Barbour, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author

A young girl’s spirit travels forward in time, invades the body of Mr. Perfect & they fall in love. In her ten-year wait before they can be together again, she becomes a woman, has a baby & becomes famous as a romance author. For him - the wait is only a week. When they meet, he's expecting a sixteen-year-old girl. Her major fear - will he recognize her? Most important, will he still love her?

Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Jacquie Biggar, USA Today Bestselling Author

Take two stubborn fools, mix a touch of fate, stir in some desire, and you have the recipe for a Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

The Leftover Bride - Alicia Street, USA Today Bestselling Author

Tired of always being the odd girl out, Bailey allows her old friend and surrogate big brother Devyn to coach her on the latest set-up, but when a shared tragedy from their past rears its head, she discovers love often lurks where you least expect it.

Three Are One - Dani Haviland, USA Today Bestselling Author

Her world fell apart with his suicide, but Heath was ready to help Kizzie and her daughter rebuild it - if she'd only let him.

Small Town Sassy Bride - Stephanie Queen, USA Today Bestselling Author

Lily runs away from her small town and her failed engagement to her cousin's Inn to hide. But she runs smack dab into the arms and charms of another small-town man. Or so she thinks...

Roses & Champagne Kisses - Stacy Eaton, USA Today Bestselling Author

After an accident, Finley must take over the planning of a wedding for a nightmare bride. It doesn’t help that sitting beside the spoiled woman is a tempting and tasty morsel of a man, or that he’s watching her as closely as she’s watching him.

Bride for Breakfast - Rachelle Ayala, USA Today Bestselling Author

Jane must complete the renovations of her Caribbean bed and breakfast in time for her wedding, but the entire island is intent on sabotaging her plans—unless the groom is the caretaker’s son.

The Duke Needs a Wife - Katy Walters, USA Today Bestselling Author

Can the heiress Cassandra resist the overtures of the Duke and the devious ploys of his mother, the dowager? A regency romance.

Warming the Cowboy's Heart - Aileen Fish, USA Today Bestselling Author

Cheyenne is as wit’s end with one of her rodeo kids, and she feels sorry for anyone who falls for his father Mike. Then she falls for Mike.

Mimi Barbour is an incredibly busy New York Times, USA Today and award-winning, best-selling author who has five series to her credit. The Vicarage Bench Series – Spirit/Time -Travel tales that have a surprising twist / The Angels with Attitude Series – Angels Love Romance / The Elvis Series – Make an Elvis song a book / Vegas Series – 6 books full of romantic suspense, humor and gritty conflicts / and… the fast-paced, edgy, humorous, romantic suspense, Undercover FBI Series. She also has numerous box collections and single titles to add to her credits.

Jacquie Biggar is a USA Today bestselling author of Romantic Suspense who loves to write about tough, alpha males who know what they want, that is until they're gob-smacked by heroines who are strong, contemporary women willing to show them what they really need is love. She is the author of the popular Wounded Hearts series and has just started a new series in paranormal suspense, Mended Souls.

She has been blessed with a long, happy marriage and enjoys writing romance novels that end with happily-ever-afters.

Jacquie lives in paradise along the west coast of Canada with her family and loves reading, writing, and flower gardening. She swears she can't function without coffee, preferably at the beach with her sweetheart. 🙂

Free reads, excerpts, author news, and contests can be found on her website. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter or email her via her web site. 

Jacquie lives on Vancouver Island with her husband and loves to hear from readers all over the world!

You can join her street team on Facebook, her exclusive Review Crew or sign up for her newsletter.

Alicia Street is a USA TODAY bestselling author and Daphne Award-winner often writing in collaboration with her husband, Roy, as well as on solo projects. She spent many years as a dancer, choreographer and teacher. A compulsive reader of every genre, she also loves watching old black-and-white movies and inventing new recipes for soups.

USA Today best-selling author Dani Haviland, a Mayflower and Mormon pioneer descendant, recently semi-retired from selling tractor parts, tools, and roses in Alaska, relocating to a more temperate climate in western Oregon to pursue her passions: writing, gardening, and photography.

Life has changed from jumping into a skidsteer loader to plow snow to pull-starting the walk behind weed whacker, but there are still enough hours in the day for the feisty old lady to propagate people for her novels and plants for her yard. Sharing is part of her personality, so creating books and photos to share all over the world makes her happy.

Her tenacious and perky attitude is reflected in many of her cyber children, whether they be a British lord stuck in 18th century North Carolina or a 6'7" time traveling 'fairy' who is out to champion anyone who is having a rough time dealing with difficult life situations.

Stephanie Queen is the USA Today bestselling author of the romantic detective series, Beachcomber Investigations. She lives in bucolic New Hampshire with her family, her cat, Kitty and her fun-loving friends. Besides going to the gym sporadically, Stephanie cooks and crochets and loves chocolate covered potato chips (yes, she should go to the gym more often).

She used to be a 9 to fiver working in downtown Boston, but has thrown her stylish suits and fancy heels in a closet and now hangs out in UConn t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. “If I could come back in another life as anything I wanted, I’d be a regency era heroine.” (Not surprisingly) Regency romances are her favorite secret reads.

Stacy Eaton is a USA Today Best Selling author and began her writing career in October of 2010. Stacy took an early retirement from law enforcement after over fifteen years of service in 2016, with her last three years in investigations and crime scene investigation to write full time.

Stacy resides in southeastern Pennsylvania with her husband, who works in law enforcement, and her teen daughter who is working toward her second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and on the choral and cheerleading squads at school. She also has a son who is currently serving in the United States Navy.

Stacy is very involved in Domestic Violence Awareness and served on the Board of Directors for her local Domestic Violence Center for three years.

Be sure to visit her website for updates and more information on her books.

Sign up for all the latest information on Stacy’s Newsletter!

Rachelle Ayala is a bestselling author of contemporary romance and romantic suspense. She writes from sweet to steamy and believes that everyone should find love as often as possible, even if it's within the pages of a book. Rachelle is working on a sweet series of romances with pets and firemen, Have a Hart Romances, and one full of bad boys, Bad Boys for Hire. She also writes sports romances in both football and baseball, as well as many holiday romances, both sweet and spicy.

USA Today Best-Selling author, Katy Walters e.books, and paperbacks are purchased and read in their thousands on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Katy lives in the midst of Regency towns on the South Coast of England. Her main interests are historical; contemporary suspense romance, and time travel. She is equally drawn to the paranormal based on mythology and the Dark Ages. 

After studying at various universities Katy was awarded a B.A Hons (psych) B.A.(Soc.) B.A. Eng Lit & Creative Writing and an M.A. She was also awarded a Doctor of Science (Hon) for research into pain control. 

USA Today Bestselling Author Aileen Fish is an avid quilter and auto racing fan who finds there aren't enough hours in a day/week/lifetime to stay up with her "to do" list. There is always another quilt or story begging to steal away attention from the others. When she has a spare moment she enjoys spending time with her two daughters and their families. Her books include The Bridgethorpe Brides series and the Small Town Sweethearts series.

She also writes steamy romance under the pen-name Ari Thatcher.