Friday, July 31, 2020

#NewRelease #CharacterInterview - "Warrior's Progeny" by Jeny Heckman

Let's welcome the hero from Warrior's Progeny! Thank you for chatting with me today.

What’s your name?
Colton Stone. Colt for short

What do you look like?

I’m 6’7, 265 pounds, I’m an athlete, so I stay pretty fit. My hair’s pretty red and people think my eyes are the color of fire whiskey, whatever that means.

What time period does your story take place?

It’s summer of 2020

What is your occupation? 
I’m a football player. A Seattle Warrior tight end
Are you any good at it?
I’m fucking awesome at it. If you haven’t heard of me, you live on Pluto.
Do you like it?
Yeah, I love it. I am thirty-six though, so it might be time to move on soon.

What did you think the first time you saw Lilly Morgan?
She was incredible. You should’ve seen her. She’s like what, 5’3 and a hundred pounds soaking wet, but she got so pissed at us for hitting her friend with a football. It didn’t matter that it was an accident. She was all hellfire and yappy, like a Chihuahua. I’m not gonna lie, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.

What is your family like?
My mother died when I graduated from high school. My old man’s a knob. He got hurt when he was in high school. You know the story, the All-American that has a promising career ahead of him, then he gets hurt and becomes bitter. Andrew Stone…my dad. Since mom died, he has a way of using her to hurt me, sayin’ shit like she’d be disappointed in my choices. I actually became what he wanted to be himself and he can’t stand it. Anyway, I don’t see a lot of him. Usually he calls when he doesn’t like how I played in a game, and shows up only when he wants to impart useless bit of wisdom.

What’s your quirkiest habit?
I’m not really sure if it’s quirky. More like a bad habit I guess, but it’s my temper. I can always tell when I’ve scared the shit outta the player opposite me on the line. They like shrink somehow. One guy even told the paper that my eyes actually lit on fire. What a tool. I guess you can say my temper’s gotten me in some trouble from time to time. All you got to know is play me straight and I’ll play you the same. Say shit that isn’t true, don’t work hard on the field or generally piss me off, and we’re gonna have a problem.

Why do you think your author chose to write about you?

I guess my life has been pretty different from most people’s reality. I’ve worked hard to be here and I think she recognizes I’m ready to make some changes in my life. I can’t deny how Jeny see’s me. I can’t pretend that my way’s the best way anymore. I’m hoping that Lilly can help me with that. Lilly and the kids, the little shits. I’m glad Jeny’s told my story, our story. I think people will like it. What happened to us, to me, well you just can’t make that shit up.

**I’d like to thank Amber and all of you for this amazing opportunity to share Colt with you. If you want to know how it ends pick up my new release today!

Title: The Warrior’s Progeny
Author: Jeny Heckman
Publisher: Wild Rose Press
Editor: Dianne Rich
Cover Artist: Debbie Taylor
Genre: Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Keywords: Paranormal Romance Books; Romance Novel; Playboy Romance; Strong Female Protagonist; Strong Male Protagonist; Romance Adventure; Greek Mythology
Hashtags: #NewBooks #NewRelease #HeavenAndEarthSeries #WarriorsProgeny #GreekMythology
Warrior’s Progeny Book Trailer:

Tagline: If love dies, can it be reborn…only stronger?


Colton Stone is a newly traded tight end whose reputation is as battered as his football helmet. When he receives a vacation invitation from his new teammates, he accepts. There he collides with Dr. Lillian Morgan, a pediatric cardiovascular surgeon, and doesn't know what to think.

A widow with two children, Lilly is looking forward to her friends' wedding. When she meets Colton Stone, his arrogant attitude only makes her long for the love she took for granted. Lilly struggles between letting go of her perfect past for an uncertain future.

Strange events occur, out of the realm of normal consciousness. When black energy touches their world Colt and Lilly become the pawns of the immortal Greek gods. Is the love developing between them natural, or part of a larger prophecy?
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Lilly looked down at the football, lying prone and guilty in the sand, as realization hit her.

“Oh my God, Que! Are you okay?”

She examined Que’s head and neck checking for injuries, with rapid authority. A small goose egg already formed just above her right temple. A tiny cut opened in her eyebrow, from her broken sunglasses now laying in the sand, causing a small bead of blood to well up.

Used to the recklessness of her son and his friends regarding the sport, Lilly turned, gearing up for an impressive tongue lashing to teenagers.

“What in the hell...” she bellowed, turning around and smacking her face into the sweaty muscular chest of a massive redhead. Refusing to let the fourteen-inch height difference and the hundred and sixty pounds of additional weight intimidate her, Lilly balled her small fists on her hips, shifted her gaze up, and narrowed her eyes.

“What in the hell is the matter with you? You’re on a crowded beach with a bunch of young children and families. You’re a grown-ass man. Can’t you catch a football?” When he stared down at her in fascinated disbelief, she continued. “There is a wide-open park just over there,” she said, stabbing her finger in the general vicinity. “Maybe you and your little friends”— she looked over at all the massive men in his group, but continued undaunted—“should go over there and pull your heads out of your asses.”

Author Bio: 
Award-winning author, Jeny Heckman, was born in Bellingham, Washington, and was the youngest of two daughters. She met her husband, Jeff, in August 1992, and eloped three months later, at Magen’s Bay, on St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.

She wrote her first book, the Catch, in a few short months but took several years before she gained the courage to self-publish it at her son’s urging, and her love for writing began.

In 2018, Jeny knew her next project would be a series that showed adults could have adventures in the paranormal-fantasy genre too. So, she created the Heaven & Earth series, a story of doomed Greek gods and their only salvation, their modern-day descendants. Her first book of the series, the Sea Archer, was immediately picked up by the New York publishing house, the Wild Rose Press, and won, “Best in Category” from the 2018 Chanticleer International Book Awards.

In the year 2020, Jeny released, Dancing Through Tears, a short story from the anthology, Australia Burns: Volume Two, highlighting the Route 91 massacre from the perspective of one family at the concert, and at Mandalay Bay. She also intends to release, the Warrior’s Progeny, and Dee’s Cornucopia, in 2020, continuing the Heaven & Earth Series.
Jeny lives in Washington State with her husband of over twenty-eight years.

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Thursday, July 30, 2020

#BookReview – “Dark Wolf” by Christine Feehan


Skyler Daratrazanoff always recognized the miracle that was Dimitri Tirunul, a man beyond any dream that had ever engaged her nights. But she was human. Vulnerable. He was Carpathian. Nearly immortal. She was nineteen. He was an ancient. Yet she held half his soul, the light to his darkness. Without her, he would not survive. Caught between the two warring species, Dimitri has spent centuries hunting the undead to keep his people free, and humans safe. He had survived honorably when others had chosen to give up their souls. But now, marked for extermination by the Lycans, Dimitri found himself alone, and fearing for his life. But salvation was coming…

No Lycan would ever suspect someone like Skyler to dare mount a secret rescue operation. A teenage girl. A human of untested abilities. But she had something no one else had. She was predestined for Dimitri—as he was for her. And there was nothing stronger for Skyler than her desire to see her life-dream come true. Whatever the risk.


In the twenty-second book of the Dark/Carpathian series, Skyler Daratranzanoff enlists her two best friends, Josef and Paul, to help her track down and rescue her missing lifemate, Dimitri. The Lycans captured him two weeks earlier, and no one—not her adopted parents or the prince of the Carpathian people—are keeping her informed of the situation. Desperate to save him, she and her friends go to Russia and run afoul of a dangerous military-trained Lycan pack.
Dimitri Tirunul is more than just an ancient Carpathian warrior. After centuries of sharing blood with his half-Lycan/half-Carpathian brother Fen, he now has Lycan blood running through his body. The Lycan species calls mixed bloods Sange rau and the fanatics want to kill them all, so they kidnapped and tortured Dimitri. Meanwhile, the Lycan council is visiting Mikhail, the prince, in hopes of establishing an alliance between the two species.
Like most fans of the series, I’ve been looking forward to this story for years, ever since Dark Celebration came out. Dimitri and Skyler have been lifemates for the past three years, but he hasn’t claimed her in the way of his people. After all, she was only 16 when they met, but she’s grown up a lot in the past few years. She had suffered much physical, emotional, and sexual abuse as a child, so she wasn’t ready for a relationship with a man. Dimitri understood that and gave her time, all the while getting to know her and becoming friends. Even though he risked his life and soul to give her time, he remained honorable and put her needs before his own, as all Carpathian males should do with their lifemates.
Dimitri is an amazing person and respects Skyler for who she is. He’s not controlling, insanely jealous, or demanding as some other heroes are in this series. He accepts her male friends and considers them his friends, which few Carpathian warriors are capable of doing for their women.
Skyler wants to move past her trauma, but feels she’ll never be strong enough or good enough for Dimitri. Despite her doubts, she’s a powerful healer and psychic, and the perfect match for her mate.
I loved all the scenes with Skyler, Josef, and Paul. Even though they goof off and play, and the elder Carpathians consider them children, they’re really adults and powerful in their own right. Josef is especially wonderful, but feels unwanted, expendable, and a burden to his family. Luckily, he realizes how wrong he is.
I definitely enjoyed the scenes with Skyler and her birth father Razvan. She’s kept her distance from him, but she’s finally reaching out, wanting to get to know him.
There are a few inconsistencies. Skyler and Razvan are Xavier’s great granddaughter and grandson respectively, but twice throughout the book they are called his granddaughter and son. Also, Paul’s last name is Chevez (his father’s name), not Jansen (his mother’s maiden name), so why is Paul suddenly going by his mom’s name?
I enjoyed the story, but I had to reread parts of it to figure out what was going on and who was talking or thinking because of all the head hopping. The narrative is repetitive and there are lots of lengthy chants and rituals, which I skimmed over. Zev and Bronnie’s story is next, so stay tuned for that review.
4 Stars

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

#MFRWHooks - Lost Hearts in the Bayou

Blurb for Amber Daulton’s Lost Hearts in the Bayou

After Julie crashes her helicopter in the Louisiana swamp, she finds help from a sexy scientist—who happens to be her ex! Too bad Seth is the all-work-and-no-play type. How will she convince him to set aside his work and take a chance on her? Or is a second shot at love too much to hope for?

Sultry Summer Sizzle Anthology

Sultry Summer Sizzle brings you 17 torrid and taboo tales of sin, seduction and sweet scandal. Featuring hot stuff by: Liv Honeywell, Ava Night, Viv Velvet, Kerry Killeen, River Steele, N.J. Adel, Charlotte Storm, Lily Wickes, Layla Piper, Fern Fraser, Amber Daulton, Kaia Bell, Adele Morè, Geneva Maunder, A.K. Lilith, Carmen Webb, and Steph Brothers.


She flattened her palms on his chest to push him away, but then she gripped his shirt. Heat radiated around him and flushed her skin. Her mouth dried. “We shouldn’t do this.”
“Why not? The rest of the world is gone, at least for now. The storm has made sure of it.” He feathered his fingertips down her neck. “I’ve missed you. Have you missed me?”
“More than I can say.” One more time—a summer fling amidst a storm—wouldn’t hurt. Right? Her heart leapt as he kissed her. She moaned and swept her tongue along his teeth. His taste tantalized her. Yummy. His stubble teased her skin. She clutched his back, squeezed his firm muscles, and yanked up his T-shirt.
He pulled back, jerked the garment over his head, and swooped her into his arms.
She gasped, then giggled. How long had it been since that feminine sound escaped her mouth? She skimmed her fingers through his coarse chest hair as he strode to the other room. The full-sized bed welcomed her, and she gripped the standard bluish-gray blanket.
Seth flipped the light switch by the door, sinking the room into shadows, and turned on the bedside lamp. The yellow glow sharpened the planes of his face. He jerked off his remaining clothes and pumped his erection. A drop of pre-cum seeped from the slit. His broad shoulders and toned chest tapered into a narrow waist and a pair of long legs.
Thank God for good physical genetics. Most geeks weren’t so cut. She stripped nude, then reclined and spread her legs. For some reason, she’d made sure to shave her legs, bikini area, and beneath her arms before leaving home. Was it intuition?
“You’re so beautiful.” He knelt between her bent knees and slid his fingers along the inner curve of her thigh.
“Oh, my.” His heated touch trailed higher and enflamed the fleshy folds of her pussy. Her clitoris swelled. She gripped the blanket for leverage and arched her back.
“Squirt for me, Julie. Let me taste you.”

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

#NEBT - "Sassenach Bride" by ‌Ashe‌ ‌Barker‌ ‌

Stormy‌ ‌Night,‌ ‌2020‌ ‌
Released‌ ‌13‌ ‌June‌ ‌2020‌ ‌
Historical‌ ‌erotic‌ ‌romance,‌ ‌Highland‌ ‌romance‌ ‌
Approximately‌ ‌74,000‌ ‌words‌ ‌
HEA‌ ‌ending‌ ‌

Sassenach‌ ‌Bride‌ is‌ ‌a‌ ‌stand-alone‌ ‌sequel‌ ‌to ‌The‌ ‌Laird‌ ‌and‌ ‌the‌ ‌Sassenach‌.‌ ‌
#eroticromance‌ ‌#ashebarker‌ ‌#discipline‌ ‌#dominance‌ ‌#spanking‌ ‌#Scottishromance‌ ‌#Highlanders‌ #historicalromance‌ ‌#meninkilts‌ ‌

Tag‌ ‌Line ‌
An‌ ‌unwanted‌ ‌bride,‌ ‌a‌ ‌vengeful‌ ‌monarch‌ ‌and‌ ‌a‌ ‌formidable‌ ‌northern‌ ‌lord‌ ‌‌


James McGregor would never have imagined himself taking an Englishwoman as a wife, let alone a disgraced lady-in-waiting, but when he is ordered by the king to marry twenty-two-year-old Eleanor Falconer he is left with little choice. His reluctance is quickly overcome by his bride's beauty and grace, but he soon realizes that she will still require firm-handed correction.

Even with her cheeks blushing and her well-punished bottom burning, Eleanor cannot hide her body's response to James' stern dominance, and their wedding night leaves her sore, spent, and shamefully satisfied. But when the king seeks to use her as a pawn in his scheming against her new husband, can Eleanor trust James with the truth even with everything she loves in jeopardy?

Publisher's Note: Sassenach Bride is a stand-alone sequel to The Laird and the Sassenach. It includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

#AuthorInterview #NewRelease - "Touch Me" by Nancy Fraser

Thank you, Nancy, for stopping by my blog. I can't wait to learn more about you.

What kind of research did you do for Trust Me?

I had sex. Well, not recently, but my imagination is healthy. 

Did you travel, use the Internet, speak with experts on a topic, etc?

I did, at one point, take a trip down memory lane. It’s very long and dusty road. 

What process did you go through when you picked your characters’ names for Trust Me?

I have a few favorites. Or, I’ll hear a name on television and think, “that’s nice”. Most often, I just calculate the year my hero or heroine was born and look up popular names for that year. Just as an aside... “Nancy” is never there. 

Are your characters based on anyone you know? 

I wish. I’d be nabbing my hero, Aaron Blake, for myself. 

Do any of your characters take over and write the book themselves sometimes? Who?

Most often it’s the hero that speaks to me. Or, at least, he’s the one whispering the dirty words. 

What do you prefer: ebook or print? Why?

I love a good print book on a rainy day. There’s something comforting about a big chair, a hot cup of coffee, and a great book. However, I’m usually too busy to sit and read, so I grab my e-reader for convenience sake. 

How long have you been writing? When did you decide to become an author?

I’ve been writing romance since the mid-1990s and published my first book in 1996. I knew from a young age (probably middle school) that I wanted to write. Thankfully, I had a number of great English teachers who prompted me to do just that. 

What did you do when you received your first Acceptance Letter?

I was at work when the late, and wonderful, Kate Duffy called me from Kensington in New York. One of my best friends had sold to them a few days before. Once I hung up from talking to Kate, I called my friend and told her we’d be sharing shelf space in November. I think we both deafened our co-workers with our excited screams. It was kind of weird that I was less excited talking to Kate but it really hit me when I share the news. 

All writers suffer from writer’s block at least once in their career. What’s your go-to cure?

Simple. Jealousy. I move on to another project and then, all of a sudden, my heroine is begging me to come back and my hero is taunting me with his grins and those sexy swear words. It usually only takes a day for them to figure out I’ve left them behind. 

Sometimes the romance genre gets a bad reputation for being cliché and full of Fabios. How do you respond to that?

I usually don’t. Those that bash romance are never going to read one, so I don’t think it’s productive to waste my valuable time arguing with them and trying to convince them otherwise. It’s their loss that they can’t accept the wonderful values and love that we share in our books. 

We all need a little inspiration in our lives. What’s your favorite quote and why?

“If the sex scene doesn't make you want to do it - whatever it is they're doing - it hasn't been written right.” - Sloan Wilson. This should be the credo of every author who writes steamy romance. It’s honest, it’s to the point, and he’s right. 

Any advice for the aspiring authors out there? Particularly those who are feeling a little discouraged?

Actually, two pieces of advice. First, don’t let your mother, or sister, or cousin read your manuscript as a means to judge the quality. They’re going to tell you it’s great, even when it needs a good polish. Second, a solid career is built on perseverance and hard work. Don’t let the nay-sayers cramp your ambition or gloss over your goals. Make a wish list for where you want to be in one year, two, five, and work toward getting there. 

How do you market your books? What do you find more effective?

Well, first of all, I own real estate on social media, especially Facebook and Twitter which is where my target audience resides. I have Instagram but I find it a bit “young” for me. I’m a big fan of using online sites like Red Roses and The Fussy Librarian to get a one-day promo boost.
For my longer books, I also venture into BookBub and Amazon advertising. It also helps to have my own author services company, because I create my own media advertising and trailers. 

What is your favorite book? Favorite author?

My favorite book is a real oldie but goodie. Chain Lightning by the absolutely fabulous Elizabeth Lowell. I have a dog-eared signed copy from 1986 that I read twice a year—on my birthday and on New Years. 

Besides writing and reading, what are some of your hobbies?

Writers are allowed to have hobbies? Great! Something else to add to my schedule. Just kidding, of course. I love to travel and I’m really missing it this year. I’d planned to take my three granddaughters to Paris this summer. So much for that idea! 

What’s your most bizarre life experience? 

That’s easy. Millenia ago, I worked at a medical center in a very large city. One night as I was leaving work, I stopped at the stop light and a man stepped out in front of my car. I thought to myself, if he pulls a gun, I’m going to run him down. I had one foot on the brake and the other hovering over the gas pedal and my car was a big boat of a car, so I figured I’d get him in one fell swoop.
He stuck his hands in his pockets and thought, this is it. He jerked open his coat and he was stark naked. I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. Hard. He got offended, closed his coat and walked away.
That bizarre incident became the opening for the very first book I sold, way back in 1996. 

If you change places with any other writer, living or dead, who would it be?

That’s easy. H.G. Wells. I’ve published two time-travel romances and both were well received but neither was as great as those written by the master!

Genre: Erotic Romance
Length: Short Story (35 pages)
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press (Scarlet Rose Imprint)
Release Date: July 20, 2020
Touch Me is available for the very enticing price of 99¢!


Tax consultant Katherine Weller isn't ready for a relationship after a divorce that left her empty. But when her best friend suggests she set up a sex-only date through Lusty Liaisons, a unique and exclusive dating service, she's uncertain but intrigued.
Maybe a hot romp with a sexy, younger man is exactly what she needs to take that confident first step into her new life as a single woman.


Monday came and went. Tuesday...nothing. By Wednesday, Katherine wanted nothing more than to bury herself beneath a mound of blankets and stay there until her death. Or her eightieth birthday, whichever came first. By then, she’d be over the embarrassment of not being chosen for a night of uncomplicated, albeit hot, sex.

Lillie’s daily request for a progress report wasn’t helping matters.

Katherine’s cell dinged—a sure sign Lillie was sending her another message of encouragement. After pouring herself a second glass of Cakebread Chardonnay, Katherine picked up her phone, ran her fingertips across the lock screen, and stabbed the blinking icon.

You have a request.

Katherine double checked the sender’s name. Lusty Liaisons.

Damn! Hands shaking, she opened the email.

You’ve made a sexy match!

A request for contact was received from Aaron Blake. Mr. Blake is offering a fun-filled night at the Hudson Inn, Somerville, for this coming Saturday beginning at eight in the evening. If you decide to accept, please respond to this email. We will make the arrangements and confirm within twenty-four hours.

Click the link below to read Aaron’s profile.

She re-read the email twice before finally clicking on the profile link.

Aaron Blake, age thirty-two. Six-foot-two, two-hundred ten pounds. Occupation: government contractor. Sexual preferences: almost anything goes, although not into bondage.

Her gaze shot back to the top of the profile as it had at least a dozen times. Aaron Blake’s photo stared back at her. His crooked smile taunted her, as if daring her to ignore him. A thin scar ran from the corner of his right eye and down the side of his face, yet it wasn’t disfiguring in the least. If anything, it drew her attention to his deep-set, brown eyes and long lashes. His dark hair was peppered with a touch of gray. A hint of stubble shadowed his square jaw.

All-in-all, he was gorgeous. And no doubt able to get any woman he wanted. What could he possibly want with a woman ten years his senior?

Before she could lose her nerve, she pressed the reply key, checked the box that said “accept,” and hit the send button.

Author Biography

NANCY FRASER—Jumping Across Romance Genres with Gleeful Abandon—is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.
Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.
Published in multiple genres, Nancy currently writes for three publishers and has recently dipped her toe into the self-publishing market. She has published over thirty books in full-length, novella, and short format.
When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five energetic grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Author Media Links

Twitter: @nfraserauthor
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Thursday, July 23, 2020

#BookReview – “Dark Lycan” by Christine Feehan


After spending centuries in a prison of ice, Tatijana of the Dragonseekers was freed. Awakened in human form, Tatijana yearns to explore the modern world—one with more mysteries than she is prepared for.

Fenris Dalka has returned to the Carpathian Mountains, scarred by battle. Though the reason for his return could prove fatal if found out, he is drawn to the beautiful stranger who carries the scent of fresh earth, of forest, of the night itself.

In time, Tatijana and Fenris will discover all that unites them—their secrets and pasts, their predators, and the hot flush of passion that stirs their souls. Yet just as surely, they’ll also discover everything ancient and evil that exists to destroy them.


In the twenty-first book of the Dark/Carpathian series, Tatijana Dragonseeker has been healing in the earth for the past two years, alongside her sister Branislava, but she’s growing restless and wants to explore the modern world. After centuries of starvation, torture, and enslavement, she needs time to find out who she is and what she wants. Secretly rising on her own to explore the nearby human village, she feels inexplicably drawn to a rough-and-tumble tavern in the forest.
Carpathian hunter Fenris Dalka hasn’t traveled through his homeland in centuries, but he’s in the Carpathian Mountains to track down a rogue werewolf pack that’s been murdering Lycans and humans alike. While hunting down the pack, he finds Tatijana, his brother Dimitri, and befriends Zev, an elite Lycan in charge of the Lycan pack that’s also hunting down the rogues.
Wow. I haven’t liked a Dark/Carpathian book as much as I do this one in a long time. Fen and Tatijana are wonderful, strong, likeminded characters. Though she didn’t want a lifemate, she didn’t expect her heart to need Fen or that he would be so understanding and kind to her. Likewise, Fen didn’t want to bind her to him because doing so would put her in danger from the Lycans.
You see, Fenris isn’t like most Carpathian males. Years earlier, he and a Lycan friend shared blood on several occasions, and they both transformed into the other species. Fen is now part Carpathian and part Lycan with the abilities and weaknesses of both species, and he’s physically stronger than both of them combined. The Lycans call mixed breeds like him Sange rau and they always kill the ones they find, so Fen hides his true nature from them and pretends to be fully Lycan. The Carpathians, however, have no prejudices against mixed breeds, and Mikhail, the prince, wants the Lycans as their allies.
Other than his mixed blood, Fen is considerate and respects his woman’s wishes and feelings. Being part Lycan has helped him keep the darkness at bay, so he’s not that close to turning into a vampire. He’s also not controlling or a chauvinist, so he doesn’t mind if Tatijana is around other men or if those men talk to her and touch her in friendship. He’s one of my favorite heroes in the entire series.
There wasn’t any internal conflict between the H/h, which made for easy reading. The problems they faced came from outside forces, and I loved the way Fen and Tatijana worked together as equals. After all, she’s a Dragonseeker and very knowledgeable when it comes to fighting and performing mage spells. She’s an asset in a battle, not a hindrance, and Fen recognized that.
Also, there were only three sex scenes in this story, and one of them was fairly short. That’s basically unheard of in Ms Feehan’s books. Even though I found the number of sex scenes refreshing, the H/h still make love in a natural pond, which typically happens in almost every book in the series.
The Lycan history and their society was pretty interesting, and their hatred toward the Sange rau is understandable but still wrong and horrible. I’m not too sure what the difference between Lycans and werewolves are, other than one being the good guys and the others bad, but hopefully I’ll figure that out in the next book.
Zev is awesome and just as strong and skilled as Gregori, but I don’t think he’s as domineering. Branislava is going to need a gentle man to help her overcome her past trauma, and I’m really looking forward to their story.
One of the best scenes is the celebration showing all the children and how the Carpathian race is beginning to grow. That was just fun and definitely needed for longtime readers of the series.
Overall, I loved the plot and characters, but sometimes I found myself skimming because the writing is wordy and repetitive. The story ends with a HEA for Fen and Tatijana, but it ends on a cliffhanger with Dimitri. I’m so anxious to read his story and find out what’s going to happen next.
5 Stars

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

#MFRWhooks - Their chance encounter resulted in a steamy affair...


Welcome to the week Marketing for Romance Writers Book Hooks. Every week authors get together to share their news and hook readers onto their books. 

If you're interested in bad boys, danger, intrigue, hot sex, love, and happily ever afters, keep on reading... 


Once you’re in a prison gang, you’re in it for life. That’s what Mason Harding thought until the boss accepted his resignation. After the State releases him on parole, a sexy divorcée behind the wheel of a car almost ends his life quicker than a shank. His chance encounter with Mia Eddison results in a night of passion, but her brother—his parole officer—catches them together and doesn’t approve.

Mia falls hard for the cocky ex-con, but not because of his chiseled body. She vows to break through his walls and discover his secrets, but never expects those secrets to threaten her life.
When members of an organized crime ring kidnap Mia to force Mason’s return to the gang, he goes up against an old friend to save the woman he loves. Will his sacrifice be enough or will everything fall apart in a blaze of gunfire?


Their chance encounter resulted in a steamy affair, but will his former gang and a parole officer tear them apart?


Mason joined her in the tub, closed the door behind him, and hot water pelted his back in a rough caress. Tension eased from his shoulders, and he glanced at Mia as she gently rubbed a sudsy body puff over his pecs. Several bruises still marred his chest and stomach, and she looked ready to cry.
“The bruises look worse than they feel.” He clasped her cheek. “I’m a fast healer, and I’ve been through worse than what you witnessed on Saturday. When I say I’m fine, I mean it.”
She kissed the hollow of his throat and rubbed slightly harder. Tempted to jerk her against him and prove he could handle it rough, he gripped his hands in his hair to let her go at her own pace. Her soft, reverent touch eased his aches, burned through his hard shell, and pierced his dirty soul.
He’d done so many bad things in his life, and he didn’t know why she accepted him.
Because you haven’t told her everything, you asshole.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

#NEBT - "Cassie's Tale" by PK Corey


Cassie continues to live life to the fullest, from wheeling around in her new sports car to mastering the art of riding a motor scooter with no hands, she manages to keep Tom on his toes. The fly in the ointment is that Tom’s firm wants him back for a project and Cassie wants him all to herself. When Tom takes the job, Cassie is left lonely and bored – never a good combination for her.

Left to her own devices Cassie makes some poor decisions, frightening Sue and causing Tom to lower the boom. Tom's new schedule for Cassie, including her getting a job, leaves her little time to get herself in trouble – yet she still manages.

Author’s note – This series of books looks into a loving look into a domestic discipline marriage. You’ll find that they have an active sex life, though you may have to use your imagination for the details. And you’ll find enough spanking to satisfy most anyone! But you’ll also find strong men and feisty women with fiercely loyal friendships and a love story that many would envy.

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Available in Kindle and paperback


I soon discovered the best part of having a broken hand was the baths. With the ridiculous bandage on my hand, a shower was impossible. I loved baths, but I had to have help. I’d had a trying day, perhaps too many visitors, my head hurt, my hand hurt, and trying to eat with my left hand was so awkward. Being fed by your loving husband may sound romantic, but only if it’s rare. I found myself in frustrated tears. 
Tom helped me to the veranda to watch the sunset. “Will you be all right for a minute, girl? I need to take care of something.”
I’ll admit, it hurt my feeling just a little. I wanted his company. “Fine, whatever,” I said ungraciously.
Tom returned in about fifteen minutes. Helping me to my feet, he said, “Come with me.” Tom led me to the bedroom and silently began undressing me. I hated to protest, but I just wasn’t in the mood. I said nothing and soon I stood before him, nude. With a grin, Tom opened the door into our bathroom.
Oh, my stars and garters! Tom must have lit every candle we own. What an amazing sight it was, candles reflecting off the mirrors and even the bubbles of the wonderful bath he’d drawn. My romantic devil eased me down into the water. The scent and the sensation were overwhelming. 
“Tom this is incredible. I can’t beli –”
“Shh, don’t talk, just relax,” he cooed to me.
I did as he said. I lay my head back on the towel he’d positioned for that purpose and gave in to the luxury of the bath… Oh my, that man knew how to give a bath. He began by massaging my face and neck with his hands as he washed. He gave each and every part of my body his full attention. I felt so peaceful that I feared I would slip right down the drain. Finally helping me stand, he wrapped me in a huge soft towel and dried me silently, and then guided me to the bed. I remember him tucking me in and kissing me softly, but I remembered nothing else until morning. I wanted my hand back in working order, but until then, I was prepared to enjoy the perks. 

Author Bio

After spending thirty-six years in two careers I liked just fine, I’ve finally found my dream career as a writer. I’ve been happily married for thirty-six-years and my sweet husband has gotten used to the unique experience of living with a writer. He is very encouraging and an excellent editor when he’s pressed into service.

I’ve been intrigued by spanking stories since before I first saw Ricky spank Lucy. Stories of this nature were hard to come by before the Internet and the ones I found were a little harsh on discipline and very much lacking in love. So, I made up my own stories and enjoyed these in my head for years. I finally began writing them down. Although the lovely women in my stories are spanked often, the love between them and their men takes top priority.

My Cassie’s Space series shows a mature couple who are deeply in love. Despite loving Cassie’s free-spirited ways, Tom is determined to keep her safe, even if it takes a trip over his knee. And with her friend Sue by her side and all they get into, a trip over his knee is very likely. My Cal’s Law series, is about a younger couple. Though they come from very different backgrounds, love and discipline draw them together.

I love my husband, my kids, my cats, reading, writing and hearing from my readers. You can contact me at

PK Corey’s Reading Room blog


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