Sunday, December 15, 2019

#BookReview – “I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus” by Debbi Rawlins


Santa wears a skirt?

Noah Spenser felt like a fool sitting on Santa's lap. But his seven-year-old daughter, Mindy, had insisted. However, when he noticed that this Santa had padding in unexpected places, he wasn't so anxious to leave. Especially when the only thing he wanted for Christmas was a new mother for Mindy....

And Jill Morgan, a.k.a. Kris Kringle, might just be the gift he was hoping for. She was vivacious, spontaneous...and needed a place to stay. What man wouldn't help a gorgeous redheaded Santa in need? Unfortunately, Jill wasn't the settling-down type. So how could Noah talk her into parking her sleigh on his roof for good?


Jill Morgan is on the run. Her boss, Maury, is super mad she made a bank deposit earlier than usual, and his strange “family members” are now in town. When his mob henchmen corner her in the local mall, she has no choice but to put on a Santa costume and talk to the kiddies.
Noah Spenser is understandably upset that the strange, wimpy Santa has taken a special liking to his daughter, Mindy. Once he realizes it’s a female Santa, he’s not as freaked but still cautious. The woman has secrets and he can tell she’s in trouble. When Mindy invites her home and Mrs. Claus accepts, he knows his orderly little world is about to change forever.
Jill and Spenser are great, well-developed characters. She’s wild and free-spirited while he’s proper and responsible. Sexual tension sparks as they get to know one another and learn to trust.
There are a few loose ends but nothing of overall importance. For example: we don’t know why Spenser’s ex-wife didn’t want joint custody of their daughter, and we don’t find out if Spenser’s mom will come to approve of Jill.
This is a sweet story and one of the funniest romances I’ve read in a while. I’ve read it before when I was younger, so I kept it around (letting it collect dust for almost two decades) and decided to reread it. It’s an older book, from 1997, but I really enjoyed it.
4 Stars

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