Sunday, October 20, 2019

#BookReview – “Her Lord and Protector” by Pam Roller


His is a heart of iron...Embittered lord Alexander Fletcher must shelter a penniless mute in his ancestral home, Drayton castle. Although he makes no pretense he resents the intrusion, the woman stirs his heart into an unwelcome gallop. He wants only to be alone and not to love another woman who, like his wife, might grow to hate him so much she will take her own life.

and she is slowly melting it...Lord Drayton's detachment only adds to Katherine Seymour’s distress of losing her voice. But after he gives her a searing kiss just before he introduces the husband he's chosen for her—and whom she promptly refuses—she discovers his horrid secret.

but someone is watching.Only Agnes Cooke knows how Alex's insane wife died, and she will not hesitate to kill again in order to be the next Lady Drayton. Watching Alex go out of his way to help Katherine regain her voice, however, is more than she can take. This plan will require more than just laudanum and mercury....


When the Great Fire of London in 1666 swept through the city, Lady Katherine Seymour lost everything. The fire claimed her home, her father’s life, and her voice (she breathed in heated smoke and it seared her throat). Now, a year later, the king claims her dowry due to her father’s treason and her fiancé abandons her. She’s mute and everyone treats her like a simpleton, but she’s buried her rage and frustration under polite smiles. She soon finds herself as the unwanted ward of Lord Drayton, and her new guardian has made it clear he wants her married off as soon as possible.
Lord Drayton, Alexander Fletcher, just wants a simple life after the death of his mentally instable wife. When the king requests he take Katherine into his home, he agrees out of loyalty to the king. He’s shut himself off from the world and doesn’t allow himself to feel any emotion other than despair and self-hatred. When he meets Katherine, she brings light into his life. He resents her for it and plays the cruel, heartless cad to protect his own heart.
Katherine and Alex are likable characters. They both have tragic, painful pasts and it rules their lives. Alex is used to people obeying him, but Katherine’s spark and stubbornness challenged him at every turn. Chemistry sizzled between.
Most of their problems stemmed from lack of communication. Yes, I understand Katherine cannot speak, but she can write to communicate. She doesn’t do it often and usually keeps her thoughts to herself. This became a little annoying after a while. Alexander often spoke his mind to distance himself from her, but his heart constantly warred with his cruel words. Even after they finally broke through the walls and fell in love, he learned something horrible about Katherine’s father and he shut her out again. This led to a slew of problems that kept me in suspense, desperate to know what would happen next.
I love all the description. The clothes, the manor/castle, London, the country and village, everything was detailed and beautifully described. I also liked how the author showed the startling differences between the wealthy nobility and the poorer classes, and how generosity can go a long way to change someone’s life for the better.
I really like this story. I cried for both Katherine and Alexander. Their pain and struggle to emerge free from the past is definitely heart wrenching, and I would definitely recommend the story.
4 Stars

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