My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Pampered Cait Adcock travels to Virginia City, NV after she received a letter that her father, Joss Adcock, had died. She finds her dad drunk in a saloon and then she meets a man on her dad’s managerial staff, Thomas Duffy. Every time Cait asked Thomas and her father what was going on, they either ignored her, brushed her questions aside or gave her just enough information to confuse her even more. I have no idea why the men did this but Joss’s girlfriend, Patience, convinced them to tell Cait the next day. Once everything was cleared up, Cait went with the men and Patience to find her father’s lost treasure, they’re confronted by a con-man but everything worked out.
I enjoyed this story because I love the time-period. Cait supports the Suffrage Movement and the detail to description—clothes, the way people thought, the environment—was wonderful. I felt as though I really stood on a planked boardwalk in a dirty, bustling city.
The writing flowed well except for a few typos, random dashes throughout the story and there’s one instance in which Thomas is called Theodore by mistake. Despite this, I really liked the story and I hope to read more from the author in the future.
3.5 Stars
Disclaimer – I downloaded this story from Amazon on a KDP free day. I am a reader. I am not paid or compensated in any way, shape or form for this honest review. I will not change or alter this review for any reason.
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