Friday, August 7, 2015

Review - 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' by Addison Fox

Review - 

Walker is a lawyer up in Alaska and he's working with Sloan's best friend, Grier, in an inheritance battle with Grier's half-sister. It sounded interesting but I was disappointed. 
The book doesn’t just focus on one couple but a lot of other couples. The main couple is Sloan and Walker but the reader doesn’t see a lot of them until a little past the midway point of the book. The author decided to introduce readers to the next couples/next books in the series instead of focusing on Sloan and Walker. So we meet Grier and Mick; Avery and Roman; Jessica and Jack. There’s romance hinted at with Julia and Dr. Cloud, plus Amanda and Skate. So, as you can see, books 2, 3 and 4 of the series are pretty much ready to go plus little romances intertwined. All I kept thinking was ‘Where the heck is Sloan and Walker, the couple in THIS book?’ We even get a sex scene with Grier and Mick before we get one with Sloan and Walker. The author wrote the POV shifts correctly, meaning she started a new chapter or used a scene break to change POV, but I don’t like reading books in minor characters’ POVs when the main couple is ignored.
I couldn’t connect well with any of the characters because the author kept jumping from heroine to heroine, hero to hero, for me to understand and fall in love with any set couple. I also didn’t like how ALL the characters kept secrets from each other. I understand creating suspense for the reader but, by the time some of the secrets were revealed, I just didn’t care anymore or I’d already guessed it. 
The book is repetitive. The same characters kept saying the same thing, thinking the same thing and using the same excuse as to why they shouldn’t do something. And I didn’t understand the rules behind the bachelorette competition/bachelor auction. Rules were hinted at but not fully explained even as the festivities happened. Maybe I just missed it as I read. 
What I liked about the book was the nosy grandmas and the town’s inhabitants. Indigo, Alaska sounds like a wonderful place to live. Even though it’s freezing, it’s warm with company and love. I thought it was weird, however, that the grandmas who are in their sixties or seventies and a few other older people dropped the F-bomb as if it was no big deal. Just didn’t make sense. 
The book was very well written with no typos, which is a breath of fresh air for me since I’ve read a lot of books lately with typos and grammar issues, and I like the author’s style of writing. I just didn’t like that she included so many characters with their own stories in book 1 of the series. 
3 Stars

Disclaimer – I bought this book for my own enjoyment. I am a reader. I am not paid or compensated in any way, shape or form for this honest review. I will not change or alter this review for any reason unless at my discretion.

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