Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's that time of year again. The temperature is dropping. The leaves are turning colors and cluttering the ground. Santa Claus will be visiting soon, but first the Turkey is going to have his day!

A lot of Americans like to give thanks this today, so here goes... 

I’m thankful for my health, which is a commodity--not a given--for many people.

I’m grateful to Greg, my husband, for always supporting me, valuing my opinions, and taking me seriously when I’m being foolishly adamant about something. But not too seriously. We’re total goofballs.

To my cats—you make me smile and curse every day, but I wouldn’t be happy without you.

I’m grateful to Bradley Publishing, a now-defunct publisher, for accepting my first story back in 2012 and opening the doors for me in the publishing world. Books to Go Now, Resplendence Publishing (now-defunct), and The Wild Rose Press have also taken a chance on me.

ELF, my editor with the Wild Rose, has been amazing. I appreciate her hard work, her professional but kind advice, and her willingness to push me to make my books better and better.

I’ve met so many authors since my publishing journey began, and I’m grateful to call several of them friends and colleagues. I’m always willing to share their news of new releases or giveaways, and they often return the favor.

My readers are wonderful. Thank you for reading my books and writing reviews. 

My critique partners are invaluable. It’s so hard for me to catch every error in my story, so you guys rock!


What are you thankful for?
Please comment. I'd love to know.


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